A New Beginning...

SaaS, AI, Facebook Groups, Agencies & CPG

Hey Idea Vault crew,

I got 5 business ideas for you to start this journey off:

1. AI Startup / Business Strategist

💡 An AI startup tool for in-depth competitor analysis, trend forecasting, and launch strategy.

💸 One-time fee, Subscription, or pay-per-use.

2. Facebook Group Moderation Tool

💡 A dashboard for managing large Facebook groups, with AI spam detection, advanced analytics, and a collaborative space for moderators. Maybe also updates with Facebook’s security compliances etc and offers real-time advice.

💸 Subscription

3. YouTube Thumbnail Subscription Agency

💡 A productized service for YouTube Thumbnails - Create unlimited thumbnails for YouTubers. Target both small and large channels with a flexible subscription model. Example - Design Joy

💸 High Ticket Subscription

4. Eco-friendly Alternative Chrome Extension

💡 A tool like the Honey chrome extension, but for finding eco-friendly or organic product alternatives.

💸 Affiliates, ads, sponsorships, or premium subscriptions.

5. Liquid Death Branding Strategy

💡 Replicate Liquid Death's strategy by rebranding mundane products (e.g., pickles, crisps, chocolate) with standout packaging and marketing. They ran up a water brand to $260m in sales last year with really good branding.

💸 Ecommerce / Retail

We’ve also got a free community of 600+ founders building these ideas out and more. Check it out 👇

That’s all for today people! See you next Tuesday 🙂