Business Ideas - Jan 21st

Supplements, Buying Businesses, PR, Tinder, News

Alright people it’s Sunday,

Here are 5 business ideas for today -

1. Supplement Subscription Service

💡I don’t know the difference between different supplements and have no clue what to take - a lot of people are like me.

You send people a monthly box of supplements that is curated specifically to their needs and make it super easy for them to understand.

Here are your products: “the gym rat box” - “the nightowl box” - “the study-holic box” etc.

Basically just let people decide what kind of a person they are and give them supplements based off that.

💸 Subscriptions

2. Buy Boomer’s Businesses

💡 In the next 5-10 years so many boomers are going to die and their kids won’t inherit their “boring businesses”.

Go buy up tons of boomer businesses like convenience stores, laundromats, farms etc and run them 100x better through basics like moving them online and starting social media marketing etc.

Best part - you can get this 100% seller financed so you lose nothing out of pocket and use the profits or a loan to pay off the seller.

💸 Business income

3. Online Review / Image Management for Small Businesses

💡 Basically a PR firm but specifically for small businesses.

Manage the public / social media image for smaller businesses.

Get all their negatives reviews / comments dealt with - make sure people love them and give people incentives to refer you to others.

💸 Subscriptions, one time fees

4. Tinder for Startup Founders

💡 This one is pretty self explanatory.

There is no good resource out there to find a co-founder unless you know someone.

So just make tinder but for startup founders. It could easily go viral and would do super well haha. I’d even be your first user!

💸 Subscriptions, one time payments, micro-transactions

5. Community-Powered News Platform

💡 A news platform that only works off articles submitted by local community members

Basically reddit but super specific area wise and with a much nicer website like that of a media company.

💸 Sponsorships, ads, subscriptions

If you are a founder or plan to be one soon, don’t skip this part…

We’ve got a free community of 700+ founders building these ideas out and more. Check it out 👉

That’s all for today people.

See you on Thursday.