Business Ideas - 28th Jan

Memberships, AI, Office Supplies, Music, Travel

Alright people it’s Sunday,

Here are 5 business ideas for today -

1. Large Scale Membership Sharing

💡 Alright I don’t know how legal this is but hear me out.

Buy a Netflix membership or an enterprise tier membership for a bunch of SaaS tools.

Make a website to sell these memberships at a fraction of the single membership cost and keep the profit.

E.g. Buy a netflix family plan ($15) - sell 5 individual memberships off that plan for $5 each = $10 profit.

💸 Subscriptions

2. Eco-Friendly Office Supplies Brand

💡 Ok I talk a lot about eco-friendly stuff but it’s because it’s taking off - you haven’t missed the boat here.

Find a way to mass produce eco-friendly office supplies and wholesale them to offices. Start with small businesses around you, build out a website and expand from there. Sell the whole “eco-friendly” thing to them.

💸 B2B sales, e-commerce

3. Music Discovery Platform

💡 A platform where we curate and showcase up-and-coming artists. This could include exclusive content, interviews, and behind-the-scenes footage.

Image a multi-media company (newsletter, youtube, blog and maybe even a record label eventually)

You can sell sponsorship spots to young artists or offer ad spots etc.

You’ll be a cultural icon if you can pull this one off hahaha.

💸 Sponsorships, ads, memberships

4. AI Playlist Creation Tool

💡 All you do is link 5-10 songs you like or link your current playlist and it gives you tons of songs that you would love.

Also allow users to create new playlists based on mood, activity, or specific musical elements. 

💸 Subscription, one time payment, charge for credits

5. AI Travel Itineraries

💡 Make a GPT wrapper that gives people custom travel itineraries. This is one thing that isn’t being done well by the thousands of AI wrappers.

Also your target customer here doesn’t like or doesn’t know how to use chat gpt.

Market this to old couples, families or solo travellers.

Pro tip - don’t mention AI on your website, this target audience loves personalised itineraries with human touch.

💸 One time payment, charge for credits

If you are a founder or plan to be one soon, don’t skip this part…

We’ve also got a free community of 1350+ founders building these ideas out and more. Check it out 👉

That’s all for today people.

See you on Thursday.