Business Ideas - 25th Jan

Ecom, Marketplaces, Job Boards, News, Eco-Friendly

Alright people it’s Thursday,

Here are 5 business ideas for today -

1. Sustainable Home Items Subscription Box

💡 Alright you curate a bunch of sustainable home goods (eco-friendly sponges, non-toxic washing liquid / laundry detergent etc.) and you brand it extremely well. Then sell it as a monthly subscription mystery box.

Then market to stay at home moms through facebook ads. (Tip - if you’re a guy, change your facebook gender to female to see ads that women get in order to get inspiration hahaha)

Once you're bigger you can get companies to sponsor your boxes and feature their products inside.

💸 Subscription, Ecom, Sponsorships

2. Eco-Friendly Packaging Solutions

💡 Find a way to make eco-friendly packaging and sell it at a local level wherever you are.

Start by going to local businesses and pitching them in person - make an ecom store and run ads and keep expanding and feeding the money machine that is your business.

💸 Ecom, B2B sales

3. Hyper-Local Online Marketplace

💡 Make a marketplace / forum specifically for your neighbourhood.

Let people post stuff they want to sell (garage sales), questions or even open discussions. Loads of templates out there to make these.

Gonna have to go out and manually onboard your neighbours.

Would be a good bit of side income through promotions and ads from local businesses.

💸 Ads, sponsorships

4. AI-Powered Job Board

💡 Make a job board like and add some AI in there to match the most likely candidates with jobs and vice versa.

You can use the whole AI play to get people onto it and try it out and as long as it’s good it’ll stick.

💸 Pay to promote, ads, sponsorships

5. AI-Driven Personal Stylist App

💡 An AI stylist app that matches people’s style, body type (after looking at a few pictures of them) to clothing suggestions for them.

It can also judge / rate your outfits and give you suggestions on what to wear today.

Get clothing companies to sponsor your suggestions and you could even have some sort of a premium membership.

💸 Sponsorships, membership

If you are a founder or plan to be one soon, don’t skip this part…

We’ve also got a free community of 1300+ founders building these ideas out and more. Check it out 👉

That’s all for today people.

See you on Sunday.