Business Ideas - 18th Jan

Board Members, Secret Apps, Subscription Boxes, AI

Alright people it’s Thursday,

Here are 5 business ideas for today -

1. Board Members on Demand

💡 So many companies start scaling and have no clue where to hire board members from.

Get onboard a bunch of really talented and experienced board members and lease them out to people like those “Fractional CFO” services going around everywhere.

The pay you $x/m and in return they get x number of board members. Pay per board member you want for however long you want them.

💸 Subscription fees

2. Secret / Hidden Camera Roll behind Calculator App

💡 This is a 10/10 viral idea. You make an app that looks exactly like a normal calculator but you type in a special code and it unlocks to a hidden camera roll.

Would be easily marketable on TikTok / IG reels and would go viral inevitably.

💸 Freemium model, subscriptions

3. Snack Subscription Box

💡 For all my physical product loving readers - this one’s for you. These curated subscription boxes are a tried and proven business model.

Make one specific to snacks - maybe japanese snacks etc. - in your town and scale it slowly till you expand.

You can sell it as a subscription or simply a curated box with different sizes.

💸 Subscription, ecommerce, retail

4. AI Therapist

💡 This is simply a Chat-GPT wrapper. Make an AI therapist with Chat-GPT API’s and train it on behavioural therapy and a few mental health techniques.

Sell it as a “therapist in your pocket” and you can use marketing angles like - 90% cheaper than a real therapist (therapists cost $100-200/h) or it’s a hyper-personalised therapist that’s with you 24/7 or anything really

Pretty good chance of going viral here as well by sponsoring a few micro-influencers on TikTok who are in the mental health niche.

You can also approach therapists and partner with them to make a version personalised to them and have it take all their free consultation calls.

💸 Subscription, freemium, B2B licensing, whitelabeling

5. Organic Subscription Box

💡 Similar to the snack subscription box - send people a monthly curated selection of organic products that are hyper-localised to your area.

Make them hidden gem products and make it feel like an adventure to get your box and open it.

Lootbox for organic stuff basically. You can also get organic brands to sponsor a box and give people their products.

💸 Subscriptions, ecommerce, sponsorships

If you are a founder or plan to be one soon, don’t skip this part…

We’ve got a free community of 650+ founders building out these ideas and more. Check it out 👉

That’s all for today people.

See you on Thursday.