Business Ideas - 14th Jan

Banking, Investment, Renting Gear & Apps

Alright people it’s Sunday,

Here are 5 business ideas for today -

1. Mercury bank for X industry

💡 Mercury Bank is a digital-only bank in the US made specifically for Startups. I believe it is replicable to do exactly what they did but for other industries (e.g. farmers or commercial real estate buyers etc).

Mercury specialized their features to let startups borrow more on their credit cards based on how much they raised and borrow more to spend on ads etc.

Giving these industry-specific perks to other industries would work.

💸 Interchange fees, fractional reserve banking

2. for X old school industry or in other countries 

💡 is a platform where you can buy very small percentages of commercial real estate and earn passive income on it - you can start with as low as $100.

They find commercial real estate buyers and get them to use their customer funds to buy properties and give out returns.

You can run this same playbook for other asset classes like farms (let people buy a fractional amount of a farm) or cars (to rent out at a large scale).

💸 Management fees

3. A platform for renting outdoor gear 

💡 Look at these trends for outdoor / offroading gear - it’s growing like crazy.

There’s an opportunity to either:

  1. Buy items like tents, outdoor stoves, boats, off-road cars etc in bulk and rent them out

  2. Make a marketplace to let people rent out the stuff they already have

💸 Earn from rentings, transaction fees

4. App connecting farmers and consumers 

💡 Here’s how the farming industry works:

Farmer grows stuff —> middleman buys in bulk —> you buy from middleman

Cut out the middleman and make an app that directly connects farmers to consumers. Farmers would earn more and consumers would pay less.

💸 Transaction fees, ads, sponsorships, memberships, seller fees

5. Personal Finance App for Freelancers

💡 Fintech apps are taking off - especially specialized ones like personal finance for startups or personal finance for students.

Freelancing is also growing rapidly since covid.

Make a freelancing app specialised to freelancers - give them features they would want in particular

💸 Transaction fees, membership

Reply and let me know:

  1. If you prefer these slightly longer explanations or just bullet points and short sentences.

  2. Your thoughts on the ideas for today.

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That’s all for today people. See you on Thursday.